Meeting Minutes MIP
March 11 th, 2025
Town office Matinicus and zoom
Diana Bray, Nat Hussey, Peggy Booth, Gary Gray, Gretchen Kennedy, Eva Murray,
Samantha Philbrook, Phil Davies, Laurie Webber, Clayton Philbrook, Ellen Bunker, Dorian Edwin
Discussion of Job descriptions
Admin Job description
Budget discussion
Update on float and ramp project
Topic 1: Job Descriptions
Treasurer to handle vehicle deposits
Tax Collector to handle vehicle registrations
Tax Collector to take class so she can registar boats.
No changes with town clerk
Tax Collector to get tax related mail
Treasure to get all other mail
Laurie, Clayton and Ellen to continue admin jobs for now
New admin. Job description should be referred to as “Town Administrator”
Peggy will present the job of ferry ramp attendant to the development committee.
Peggy will also present the administrator job description to the Development
Ellen will send Peggy Administrators job description.
Topic 2: Ramp and Float
Clayton has sent updated information to flycatcher.
Notices to taxpayers to be sent out. This will be handled by flycatcher.
Clayton will be calling Jeff Poole to discuss companies to contact about building.
Topic 3: Budget Discussion:
Dorian has kept track of her hours so she will get back to us with a
Samantha will keep track of her hours and duties.
LUPC payment will be moved to next warrant
General discussion about where we stand with financing. Nat Hussey offered to
assist with loan closing if necessary.
Samantha and Dorian to take budgeting class MArch 25th 2025
Topic 4: Insurance
Clayton is handling policy information/renewal.
How many volunteer firefighters do we have?
Clayton will ask George.
Approximately 20 was the consensus
We no longer need plow truck that will be removed from the policy
The grader will be removed
Clayton will ask Nick Philbrook about removal of the plow truck and grader.
Other Business:
Diana Bray had questions about selling solar power back to MPEC. Phil answered
that question. This is not a safe option nor a requirement.
Diana wanted to know if PUC would be at the April 1st informational meeting about
rate increase. No, the PUC will not be attending.
Dorian will order a new printer.3
NEXT MEETING: March 26th 2025 @ 4:00 T own Office and zoom
Board of Assessors:
Clayton Philbrook
Ellen Bunker
Laurie Webber